Monday, July 18, 2011

7 months and Growing!

Daniel is 7 months! He has two teeth on the bottom and occasionally will use them! He is sitting on his own and loves to sit in the floor and play with his toys.  He can scoot around the floor really good but we are still working on crawling. He now has his own play room at work. I moved out of my office and its now his play room. I think its going to work out great especially when he starts crawling! We took Daniel to Myrtle Beach with us to celebrate our 10 year anniversary. He was so good, we went to the aquarium and he liked looking at the fish. He'such a go with the flow kind of kid. We also had his first beach trip recently and he got a litle splash to the face and he's was fine, he didn't cry at all. He loved playing with his sand toys. He is a full of joy and has blessed our lives far more than we could have ever imagined. We will be eternally grateful to God for the gift of Daniel.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

6 months of pure Joy!

Well its been a while since updating on Daniel, he keeps us busy! He is now sitting on his own! And he has a tooth coming in, we can see the gum pushed up but the tooth hasn't popped out yet! He babbles all kind of baby words but nothing that us parents can understand yet! We did take Daniel on his first trip out of state, we went on a spontaneous 1 and half day trip to Myrtle Beach. Daniel was a trooper. He did great in the car and actually let us shop and hang out at Broadway at the beach. Daniel has started to get up on his knees and rock back and forth. I'm sure by my next update he will be crawling! We bought Daniel a walker and he loves to go backwards in it and is able to move a little forwards in it! As mom I was blessed to be able to experience my first mothers day this year. I feel so special and honored for the opportunity to be his mom! And Daddy will be having his first fathers day this Sunday! We also purchased Daniel a baby pool, he liked it but this past weekend we got in our big pool with him and put him in his little float and he was happy! Daniel is still loving his baby food and I believe his favorites to be peas, then green beans, then apples! With Daniel turning 6 months tomorrow we will be starting the 2nd foods so he will be trying some mixtures like strawberry/apple! Sounds yummy! Daniel loves his cartoons, he watches in the morning while we get ready for work. He's become quite the fan of mickey mouse clubhouse. He love music so he loves when they sing! Especially the Hot Dog song! Speaking of things Daniel loves...TOES! He loves his toes, he chews on them and drools on them and holds them while he sleeps! I think he's afraid someone will take them! Daniel is also becoming very comfortable with using his hands! He grabs everything, if you are holding something he wants to hold it or chew on it should I say! He is a very happy baby and with he has the BLUEST eyes I've ever seen, everyone who meets Daniels compliments on his eyes!Well I'm sure I'm missing something wonderful Daniel has done but I can't think of anymore right now. I will try to update soon as I'm sure things are going to get fun with teeth and crawling!!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

5 months in 2 weeks

Been a while since I've updated on our little Daniel, he keeps us busy! Daniel had his 4 month check up the 18th of April and he was 17lbs and 27 inches long! We were given the go ahead on stage 1 baby food and have started that routine once a day. We started with rice cereal which he was less that enthused with then moved on to squash which he seemed to like, after a week of that we've moved on to green beans which I would say he seems to like equally well. Peas, Carrots and Sweet potatoes are on the menu for the coming month and then we'll go on to the fruits!! Daniel has been rolling from his back to tummy since 2 months but has no interest in rolling from his tummy back to his back. I honestly think he will crawl before he rolls back the other way, because he is already pushing up on those knees when he is on his tummy. Daniel loves cartoons especially a few on Disney Junior like Handy Manny and Mickey Mouse Club, and Jake and the neverland pirates. He gets to watch cartoons while mommy gets ready in the morning. He has also become quite vocal in the last week or too especially in the morning. He has this high pitched scream he does, its actually very cute! He is still at work with mommy and daddy and has become quite spoiled. He loves to be held and lets the customers know he doesn't appreciate them causing me to put him down while helping them! Since the weather has been warmer we've been enjoying a little outside time during slow times work, we'll sit on the bench outside and watch the cars go by and play with toys. He loves playing with his toys especially the ones he can put in his mouth. He puts everything in his mouth and covers it with drool! Still drooling quite a bit but no teeth yet! We're expecting those in the coming months! Dan built a stand today to hang a baby swing on in the back yard, we are looking foward to being able to use it once its complete. Daniel is sleeping through the night and mommy and daddy are LOVING it! Although his rolling over in the crib we found a little unsetteling at first but with the purchase of a video monitor and lots of reassurance from others that he was ok we've actually let him sleep on his tummy which I think he prefers! Well I think thats all for now, sorry to jump around to so many different topics I just try to update on all the little things that happen! We are totally in love with Daniel and are truly thankful that God blessed us with him. Stay tuned he has lots of growing to do! Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

And we're rolling!

Hello again!
Daniel is rolling over now! He decided that Saturday March 12th would be the day! He rolled over several times that day and does it every now and then now! Once he gets rolled over he isn't to happy being on his belly-but we are working on that! He will be 3 months tomorrow March 16th! Time is starting to go by quick!

Monday, March 7, 2011

First time....

Daniel will be 3 months in a little over a week! He is weighing in at around 15.75 lbs! He is really became quite the chatter box lately. He loves his mobile and I believe carries on a coversation with it every chance he gets! We journeyed out of Jacksonville for the first time last Saturday with Daniel and made it all the way to Wilmington with him sleeping. We were able to look around the mall and even go downtown. We walked Daniel along the boardwalk in his stroller wearing his first hat and the bumps in the wood put him to sleep! Unfortuantley the ride home wasn't quite as smooth, I think Daniel was fed up with being in the carseat and boy did he let us know! But overall he was a trooper and it was nice to get out of the house for the day! He is starting to roll over slightly, he gets on the side and has completed one roll completely but nothing since then.  He also slept through the night for the first time last night, he was in bed at 7:30 pm and up at 5am. Mommy and Daddy still haven't quite gotten used to the 5am wake up call! Daniel was able to talk to his grandma in Ohio for the first time via Facetime on the the Iphone! We are looking forward to using the technology for many more conversations with grandma! Daniel also made his first trip without mommy or daddy and that was with his Nina to her sewing group on Thursday! From what I hear he was the star of the show and kept the ladies in line! Well we just wanted to share some moments from life with our sweet Daniel. We'll update again soon!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Daddy's little Buckeye!

2 months old!

Daniel is 2 months old now and he is growing. He is making all kinds of cooing sounds and occasionally shouts some kind of baby language out! He smiles so much now and I must say its the cutest smile I've ever seen! At his 2 month check up he weighed 14.6 lbs and was 24 inches long!! Hes a big boy! It was funny sitting in the newborn waiting room with him at the Dr's office because he looked twice the size of all the babies in there! He's healthy though so we are blessed! He got one shot and boy he didn't like it but with a little comforting from mommy he was ok! He's sleeping alot better at night which mommy and daddy are loving! Mommy actually got 8 hours of sleep the other night...boy was it great! He doesn't cry much unless he is hungry or wet and during those times you better fix it quick or he's gonna let you know just how mad he is! He is starting to lift his legs up when he is laying on his back and he kinda rolls to one side but not all the way over yet! He loves his mobile in his crib, he lays in there in the morning while mommy gets ready for work and he will just laugh and talk to the mobile, its so sweet! We had to go through all of his clothes because almost everything we had was too small. He is wearing 6 month onesies and shirts and 3 month pants ( his has short legs but a really long body) like his daddy! We purchased a jogging stroller so we're able to take Daniel on walks around the neighborhood! He does pretty well, the last walk I took him on he slept the whole time! When we sit him on our lap now he holds his head up pretty well, its so cute and he looks like a little man! Well thats all for now, we will update again soon as I'm pretty sure he's going to start doing all sorts of fun things before we know it! Have a blessed Day and thanks for following little Daniel, our blessing from God!

Monday, January 31, 2011

6 weeks 4 days

Daniel is grOWING! He has started smiling, which enough to melt your heart!! He is quite the little eater too, the boy can put down some milk! Mommy can't keep up so he does get some formula which he doesn't seem to mind! He is still isn't sleeping through the night, if we are lucky he will sleep 4 hours straight but thats rare! We did take Daniel on his first walk around the block yesterday, the sun was shining and it was around 60 degrees so we ventured out and it was nice to get some fresh air and sunlight! Definately think we will be upgrading his ride to a jogging stroller for a bit of a smoother ride though, with our regular stroller it was kinda bumpy. Daniel is outgrowing most of his 0-3 month clothes and is wearing 3-6months clothes now. We are so blessed to have him in our lives and we are so excited about watching him grow and sharing him with you! Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

1 month old tomorrow!

My how time flys! Daniel will be one month old tomorrow! He is growing! I would guess that he is at lease 11 pounds or more by now. We don't have another Dr's checkup until February so we won't know for sure until then. Daniel is smiling alot more but hasn't smiled as a response to us yet, from what I read that is coming soon. We aren't in a too much a routine yet, everyday is different right now. Right when we think we have him down pat and know his schedule he switches it up on us. He does pretty good at night, most nights only waking up twice a night! I still sometimes wonder what is so appealing about a clean diaper that makes him want to poop 5 seconds after I put a clean one on him! Guess thats what babies doo! We are thoroughly enjoying each day with Daniel and love watching him grow! Thats all for now! I'm sure these post will become more interesting as Daniel grows and starts to do more thing! Have a Blessed Day and thanks for reading!

Isaiah 25:1
LORD, you are my God;
   I will exalt you and praise your name,
for in perfect faithfulness
   you have done wonderful things,
   things planned long ago.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Who knew how much your life could change in 2 weeks time! 1/2/10

I just wanted to create a blog to let family and friends know how we are doing and share pictures and moments of Daniel!
So Daniel is 2 weeks and 3 days and he has stolen our hearts! We are so in love and so exhausted! Daniel still has his days and nights mixed up and sleeps most of the day and is awake often during the night. He loves to eat and its a great bonding time for him and mommy! Although I have to wake him up several times during a feeding because he falls asleep. Dan is loving being a daddy and has totally emersed himself in the role, he is such a big help and he does it all. He changes diapers and even has gotten peed on! Speaking of which it is tricky to change a little boy without him peeing on himself as we learned the other day when he peed on himself and got some on his face!! yuck I know! Dan does the baths and I'm just there to console Daniel as he doesn't like bathtime too much at all. We are still sponge bathing being that his belly button cord hasn't fell off yet! At the last Dr's appt Daniel weighed 10.6lbs! Well thats all for now, I will try to update as often as possible and post pictures along the way!