Saturday, April 30, 2011

5 months in 2 weeks

Been a while since I've updated on our little Daniel, he keeps us busy! Daniel had his 4 month check up the 18th of April and he was 17lbs and 27 inches long! We were given the go ahead on stage 1 baby food and have started that routine once a day. We started with rice cereal which he was less that enthused with then moved on to squash which he seemed to like, after a week of that we've moved on to green beans which I would say he seems to like equally well. Peas, Carrots and Sweet potatoes are on the menu for the coming month and then we'll go on to the fruits!! Daniel has been rolling from his back to tummy since 2 months but has no interest in rolling from his tummy back to his back. I honestly think he will crawl before he rolls back the other way, because he is already pushing up on those knees when he is on his tummy. Daniel loves cartoons especially a few on Disney Junior like Handy Manny and Mickey Mouse Club, and Jake and the neverland pirates. He gets to watch cartoons while mommy gets ready in the morning. He has also become quite vocal in the last week or too especially in the morning. He has this high pitched scream he does, its actually very cute! He is still at work with mommy and daddy and has become quite spoiled. He loves to be held and lets the customers know he doesn't appreciate them causing me to put him down while helping them! Since the weather has been warmer we've been enjoying a little outside time during slow times work, we'll sit on the bench outside and watch the cars go by and play with toys. He loves playing with his toys especially the ones he can put in his mouth. He puts everything in his mouth and covers it with drool! Still drooling quite a bit but no teeth yet! We're expecting those in the coming months! Dan built a stand today to hang a baby swing on in the back yard, we are looking foward to being able to use it once its complete. Daniel is sleeping through the night and mommy and daddy are LOVING it! Although his rolling over in the crib we found a little unsetteling at first but with the purchase of a video monitor and lots of reassurance from others that he was ok we've actually let him sleep on his tummy which I think he prefers! Well I think thats all for now, sorry to jump around to so many different topics I just try to update on all the little things that happen! We are totally in love with Daniel and are truly thankful that God blessed us with him. Stay tuned he has lots of growing to do! Thanks for reading!